ZoomText – Blank/black screen shows whilst ZoomText running

ZoomText – Blank/black screen shows whilst ZoomText running


Some laptop computer systems may provide two video adapters (such as some high end laptops). When starting ZoomText on these machines the screen may go black for the duration ZoomText is active. 


A utility is available to select the video adapter however particularly with laptops it may depend on the configuration adapter whether the secondary video adapter is compatible and is selectable.

  1. Press Windows key or click Start to open the start menu.
  2. Then search Utilities and click the result “Utilities – ZoomText”
  3. In the resulting Explorer window double click Explore ZoomText Utilities then Change Display Adapter Settings.
  4. In the new window it may be possible to select the target graphic adaptor ZoomText should address.

The above example shows the options available on the system.

  1. Where multiple adaptors are available select Specific Adaptor and choose the desired adaptor in the drop-down then click OK.

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