ZoomText – Disable sound when pointer crosses monitors

ZoomText – Disable sound when pointer crosses monitors


When using ZoomText with multiple monitors ZoomText plays a sound to indicate transition from one monitor to the other even when this feature has been disabled in Multi Monitor Options dialogue.

Affected products

  • ZoomText 2022


It is known that unchecking the “Play sound when pointer touches and crosses the border” may have no effect in stopping the sound as the mouse crosses monitors. Below are steps to fix this for affected versions of ZoomText.

  1. Open the ZoomText window.
  2. Then click the Magnifier toolbar tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to Window and choose Settings.
  4. Then click the Window tab.
  5. Then choose “Multiple Monitor Options”
  6. In the “Multiple Monitor Options” dialogue ensure “Play sound when pointer touches and crosses the border” is unchecked.
  7. Then also disable option “Display a border marker between desktops”
  8. Then click OK button.
  9. Then click ZoomText menu > Configurations > Save as default, then click Yes when prompted rto overwrite.

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