ZoomText – Suppress auto-update prompt

ZoomText – Suppress auto-update prompt


ZoomText is installed on a system with limited user login and when prompted to update software the user is unable to complete that task due to limited user login.

Applies to

  1. ZoomText
  2. Fusion



In situations where organisations use workstations with limited user accounts the IT staff may wish to suppress the auto-update prompt to avoid user support calls arising from the update prompt.


The auto-update prompt flag is held in a configuration file for an auto-update flag.  By amending the file as shown below will disable the auto-update prompt.

  1. Open/modify the following file: on the target system

    %ProgramData%\Freedom Scientific\ZoomText\[Version]\TestSupp.ini

    [version] in the path is a number equal to the currently installed version of the software eg. 2024
  1. In the TESTSUP.INI file you will need to amend the value of the relevant auto update flag under the INI section [test support].  Change the value after the equals sign from 1 to 0 then save the file to affect the change as per examples below.



[Test Support]


[Test Support]

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