ZoomText – Take a screenshot of magnified view

ZoomText – Take a screenshot of magnified view


A customer has a ZoomText magnification problem, sometimes the best way to understand the query is by creating one of more screenshots from the magnified view.



Some problems ZoomText has only appear whilst ZoomText is running and cannot be captured easily using existing Windows screenshot tools.  When ZoomText or Fusion starts it creates an overlay om front of the existing Windows display to present magnification to the user.  To catpture such a problem you must use the screenshot tool in ZoomText to capture the screen. 



Below please see steps for creating ZoomText magnified screenshots.


  1. Open ZoomText and the problem application or scenario and position the magnification so as to describe the issue.
  2. Then press CONTROL+SHIFT+ALT+C to take a screenshot from the magnified view.
  3. Then open Microsoft Word application to a blank document then right click and choose Paste or press CONTROL+V to paste the picture into the document.  Please including any explanatory notes with the document.
  4. Then save and close the document and Microsoft Word.
  5. Open Windows Explorer by pressing WINDOWS+E or open This PC from the Desktop and locate folder where Word file is saved.
  6. Then make sure the file is highlighted and copy this file to clipboard by right click and choose Copy or pressing CONTROL+C.
  7. Then Open up Outlook or Windows mail.
  8. Then reply with a message from Technical Support.
  9. Then fill out subject and navigate to message body.
  10. Then right click and choose Paste or press CONTROL+C to place the attachment in the email.  Finish off the email and send back to Technical Support.
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