FS Auth - Check dongle authorisation
Problem You wish to check authorisation on a Freedom Scientific product USB dongle to confirm details such as serial number and allowed version. Applies to JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion Resolution Use the steps below to query the USB dongle license ...
ZoomText - Dongle version software installation FAQ
Problem A customer has a ZoomText version and has questions that may be answered in this FAQ. Resolution I have a ZoomText dongle is but there is nothing on the dongle to install with? A: The ZoomText dongle does not contain any software but is ...
FS Auth - Using a dongle license
Problem A customer requires information on the use of the USB authorisation dongle for Freedom Scientific products. Applies to JAWS Zoomtext Fusion Detail A dongle is a physical device plugged into a free USB port that provides an alternative ...
FS Auth - Check dongle authorization for a Freedom Scientific product
Problem A customer using dongle authorization would like to check the status of their license. Applies to JAWS ZoomText Fusion Resolution In general the process of authorization consists of checking that the installed authorization for a Freedom ...
FS Auth - Update dongle license (JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion)
Problem A customer has purchased an upgrade for a Freedom Scientific product and has a dongle update file to apply to their dongle authorisation. Applies to: JAWS ZoomText Fusion Resolution A dongle update file is typically appropriate in one of the ...
FS Auth - USB dongle license not detected (JAWS/Zoomtext/Fusion)
Problem The authorisation dongle is not detected by the installed copy of JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion software, you are prompted to activate and product continues to run in demo mode. Applies to JAWS ZoomText Fusion Detail Some Freedom Scientific products ...
FS Auth - Update USB dongle license for JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion
Problem A USB dongle needs to be updated to run a later version of Freedom Scientific software JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion than is currently installed. Resolution A USB dongle for JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion may need to have its license updated if a customer has ...