Freedom Scientific - ARM processor support in JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion
Problem A customer would like to know if Freedom Scientific products JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion work on ARM processor machines. Detail Windows ARM is a new platform supporting the ARM processor architecture which different to Intel. Although many ...
FS Install - Common errors and solutions (JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion)
Problem You are running into a problem resulting in an error with a Freedom Scientific BLV product installer JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion. Applies to JAWS ZoomText Fusion Resolution Error 80070643 is posted during install Error 8A280A12 posted during install ...
FS Install– Error downloading ‘DotNet6DesktopRuntime’
Problem Whilst installing Freedom Scientific BLV product JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion, the setup fails with the code 80070005 citing failure downloading the component ‘MicrosoftDotNet6DesktopRuntimex86’ setup is aborted. Applies to JAWS ZoomText Fusion ...
FS Install - Using command line switches and INI files to customize installation
Problem An IT technician may be tasked with customizing the installation of Freedom Scientific BLV products JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion or creating a deployment image for them. Resolution Please find below resources by product on customizing the ...
FS Install - Products ports and URL guide
Problem Corporate and other organisations may require information on ports and URLs used by Freedom Scientific software on their network for facilitating online features or auditing and compliance. Resolution Please review the document below which ...
FS Install - Setup posts the error "You cannot install this product..."
Problem A customer is installing a Freedom Scientific product when they recieve an error that halts installation posting "You Cannot install this product on this platform. " Applies to JAWS ZoomText Fusion Resolution In July 2021 Freedom Scientific ...