Focus Braille routing keys do not work when using JAWS

Focus Braille routing keys do not work when using JAWS


A customer finds when using the routing key above a cell on their Focus display does not bring the editing cursor to the location on the Braille line. 


  • You may wish to do a routing key test on the dispaly itself to ensure the problem is not with the hardware. If that is confirmed working try the solution below.

Method 1 - Using the mouse

  1. Open JAWS window, Utilities menu > Settings Centre.
  2. Then select "Default" in the configuration drop down or press CONTROL+SHIFT+D.
  3. In the Braille settings make sure these two are set:
    Active cursor follows Braille display - unchecked
    Braille cursor follows active - checked.
  4. Then click "Apply" then "OK".

Method 2 - Using the keyboard

  1. Press JAWSKey+F2 and select “Settings Centre” and press ENTER to open it.
  2. Press control+shift+D to open the default configuration.
  3. Type the word “cursor” without the quotes and then press down arrow to locate it in the results.
  4. Then press F6 to switch to the right hand window pane.
  5. On the “Active cursor follows Braille display” make sure this is unchecked, press SPACEBAR to change the setting if needed.
  6. Then press TAB to reach Braille cursor follows active” and make sure this option is checked, use the SPACEBAR to check the option if it is not checked.
  7. Then press TAB key to reach the “Apply” button and press SPACEBAR.
  8. Then TAB to the “OK” button and do the same here to close the window.