FS Install – Silent install ILM authorisation number

FS Install – Silent install ILM authorisation number


Typically an organisation wishes to create a user specific package for a Freedom Scientific product including an authorisation number.

Applies to

  1. JAWS
  2. ZoomText
  3. Fusion


One can provide an authorisation code (product key) for a specific user license when deploying an installation package in an organisattion. The following restrictations however should be noted:
  1. Only a single 20 digit code however may be used and this does not pre-authorise the software but merely allows it to be included as part of the installation. 
  2. Software license activation must be performed as a separate step after installation.


Shown above is the line to include within the [Ooptions] section of the AdditionalSettings.INI file whre:

PRODUCT = Name of Freedom Scientific product JAWS, ZOOMTEXT of FUSION
ILMCODE = 20 digit ILM code

The ILM code used must be the complete 20 digit string for a single-user or non-network license.

Further information