JAWS - Spacebar key is not announced by JAWS when pressed

JAWS - Spacebar key is not announced by JAWS when pressed


A JAWS or Fusion customer does not hear spacebar announced when the key is pressed.


  • Spacebar should be announced by default when typing echo is set to characters or words and characters setting.  Please Adjust typing echo to fix the problem.
  • When typing echo is already correctly adjusted, and  spacebar is still not announced, it may indicate a problem with the key label for spacebar being silenced.   Use the steps below to resolve the issue. 

  1. Press JAWSKey+F2 and select Settings Centre and press ENTER.
  2. Then type Key Label as a search then press DOWN ARROW to reach Manage Key Labels.
  3. Press SPACEBAR to open the Key Label manager window.
  4. Press DOWN ARROW or first letter navigation to reach the entry for spacebar.
  5. Then press ALT+T to toggle the state to speak.
  6. Press TAB to reach OK button and press SPACEBAR on OK button.
  7. Then press TAB to reach Apply button and press SPACBAAR, then press ENTER to dismiss the window. 

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