SensePlayer – Update firmware offline (using a USB drive or SD card media)

SensePlayer – Update firmware offline (using a USB drive or SD card media)


A customer wishes to update their SensePlayer offline using an attached USB stick or SD card.

Applies to

  1. SensePlayer


Using online firmware update feature is recommended for most users, however if this is not possible and you need to update offline please have the following items handy:
  1. A blank USB stick or memory card.
  2. A Windows PC to download and save the update onto
  3. Then download the upate file using this link and save the resulting download onto a blank USB drive or SD card:

  1. The SensePlayer update is a binary file with the extension .BIN some window installations may attempt to change the extension. If this happens rename the extension back to .BIN again.
  2. Please do not attempt to extract the file, place it on the root of the blank USB or SD card media.

  1. Please ensure the SensePlayer is charged to over 50 percent or is connected to power during the update process.
  2. Connect the USB drive or SD card media that has the update binary file to the SensePlayer.
  3. Then press HOME key and select Utilities > Upgrade SensePlayer Firmware.
  4. Then press RIGHT ARROW key to select offline and press OK. The update process will begin, please be patient and do not press any buttons whilst the upgrade is in progress.  After a while the SensePlayer will automatically restart and bring the unit to the home screen.
  5. To confirm the upgrade press MENU key whilst in the home menu to hear the new version number.

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