ZoomText – Disable voice assistant feature

ZoomText – Disable voice assistant feature


A customer wishes to disable the voice assistant because it triggers too often or does not wish it to be active.


Applies to

  1. ZoomText

  1. Fusion



The Voice Assistant feature built into Freedom Scientific products listens out for a keyword and when issued with a command the voice assistant will carry out that action, however for some the feature may get in the way if it triggers at the wrong time.

For corporate customers Voice Assistant and other features that use online services can disable use of external services using custom install for any Freedom Scientific BLV product. 


  1. Open ZoomText/Fusion window, then click on the Tools Tab.
  2. Then click on the icon for Voice Assistant and click Settings.
  3. Then in the dialogue un-check the option Enable Voice Assistant.
  4. Then click OK.
  5. Click ZoomText menu and choose Configuration.
  6. Then click Save as Default, then click Yes when prompted to overwrite.

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