Jaws - Symptoms and signposting to solutions

Jaws - Symptoms and signposting to solutions


JAWS does not start or posts an error, no speech heard etc.  Common problems and solutions provided below.


See below for common problems and solutions.


JAWS install error/failure during setup

  1. Try restarting then run installer again.
  2. Try downloading the offline installer instead

JAWS installed – No speech

  1. Check JAWS is running, by examining taskbar for presence of JAWS or system tray for its program icon.  If JAWS is not present try launching manually from the desktop icon and check if speech can be heard or error posted.
  2. JAWS is not started check JAWS auto-start options.

JAWS launches and posts error dialogue

  1. JAWS posts a dialogue to activate software; check if license is installed or go through activation to attempt to resolve the rporblem.
  2. JAWS posts a message indicating that the authorisation is for an earlier version of JAWS please refer to authorization is for an earlier version to fix the problem..
  3. JAWS immediately posts a VCSpeech error and does not start/speak?
  4. JAWS post another unspecified error when launched;  try to clear by running a repair on JAWS to correct possible damage to the installation and try again.

JAWS runs – no sound is heard

  1. JAWS started but no sound heard; Try to unmute soundcard
  1. JAWS started no sound is heard; Check JAWS soundcard selection


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